
Khushaal Kaashtkaar

Dial 727235

An agri expert service that has served more than 400,000 farmers in their agricultural needs

Khushaal Kaashtkaar is a digital health helpline designed to reach people who are in far flung areas and to provide them with agri expert services. Experts are available on this service are available from 9 am to 9 pm to answer all related queries. Service can be subscribed by dialing 727235.

Khushaal Kaashtkaar can be accessed from any mobile phone with Telenor connection by simply dialing 727235 or through Khushaal Watan smartphone app
Number sharing is important so that the agent can send you details about agricultural products via SMS.
Yes. The smartphone app is available at Play Store.
Rs. 8/week (tax inclusive)
Yes, a weekly subscription is needed to access this service.

Terms & Conditions

  • Users will be informed about any price change

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